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  • Murshid Hidayat Inayat Khan, Presently retired Co-General Representative International Sufi Movement
    • Article — Murshid Hidayat wrote an article about Spiritual Liberty (PDF, 180 KB), which focuses on Sufism as seen from an international point of view and emphasizes the Ideal of Unity in diversity.
    • Opening Speech — Murshid Hidayat gave an opening speech on Wisdom for the ISM Summer School (July, 2014 in Katwijk, Holland). (PDF, 40 KB)
    • Remembering His Mother — Pirani Amina Begum Ora Ray Inayat-Khan. Thoughts honoring his mother in 2014.
  • Frida Waterhouse
    • Book — WhyMe?, an electronic version of her book written in 1974. This book facilitates the conscious use of spiritual practices so that one can change his or her actions and/or reactions on a daily basis.
  • Murshida Rabia Ana Perez-Chisti, Ph.D., President of SUFI Universal Fraternal Institute and National Co-Representative of the Sufi Movement International USA
    • Book — Peace with All — Akbar, the First Interfaith Mogul King
      Murshida Rabia’s book focuses on the Great Mogul Emperor Akbar of the 15th Century. He introduced debate crossing religious lines between Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jains, Zoroastrians and Sikhs to bring the idea of interfaith tolerance into Indian polity. He eased the socio-political tensions for non-Muslims by rescinding taxes on pilgrims who were living in Hindustan. His amazing transformation from a brutal warrior to philosopher King offers transformative hope to all beings.
      Available for purchase. Write: [email protected]
      ISBN: 978-0-692-37483-2
    • Lecture — Murshida Rabia presented a lecture, Servant Leadership with a Smiling Heart (PDF, 80KB), at the July, 2014 Leadership meeting in Katwijk, Holland prior to the ISM Summer School.
    • Speech — Centennial Urs Celebration of the Sufi Message given by Hazrat Inayat Khan (PDF, 212 KB) given February, 5, 2010
    • Interview —   In January, 2008, Murshida Rabia was interviewed by Ryan Rominger, PhD over a three-week period as part of a graduate-level class on emotions at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA. When you click a link below, your default media player will open and play the selected MP3 audio file.

Part 1

Introduction and the first week’s interview. Murshida Rabia talks about her introduction to Sufism to lead into a discussion about Sufism and emotions. (approximately 43 minutes)

Part 2

The second week’s interview. Murshida Rabia continues her dialog with Ryan about Sufism and emotions. (approximately 35 minutes)

Part 3

The third week’s interview. Murshida Rabia continues her dialog with Ryan about Sufism and Emotions. (approximately 40 minutes)

Interview —   On November 4, 2006 Murshida Rabia was interviewed on the Persian News Network (PNN) by Dr. Mehri Pirooz. Dr. Mehri Pirooz translated the presentation and discussion into Farsi during this satellite broadcast. The available streaming audio files are from the English audio portion of the televised show. When you click a link below, your default media player will open and play the selected audio.

Part 1:

Introduction and Murshida Rabia talking about Tawhid (Unity). (approximately 16 minutes)

Part 2:

Murshida Rabia dialogs with and answers questions from Dr. Pirooz. (approximately 30 minutes)

Part 3:

Murshida Rabia answers questions from two callers and Dr. Pirooz closes the show. (approximately 10 minutes)

Interview —   On May 14, 2007 the Marin, California radio station KWMR ( broadcast an interview of Murshida Rabia by Wendy Salaam on Wendy’s program Sufism: The Heart of Islam. When you click a link below, your default media player will open and play the selected audio.

  • Part 1:Audio Player

    Introduction and the first half of the interview. Murshida Rabia talks about an Introduction to Sufism and about Hazrat Inayat Khan, his Sufi message and the many Sufi Orders. Murshida Rabia then discusses wisdom, Tawhid (Unity) and Sufism. (approximately 28 minutes)

  • Part 2:Audio Player

    The second half of the interview. Murshida Rabia continues her dialog about Sufism with Wendy Salaam and discusses topics such as pluralistic religious studies, the mysticism of sound, sacred languages, sacred aspects of nature and about working with teachers and students. Murshida Rabia extends a wish for each to perform some service as ‘a secret gift for the Beloved’. (approximately 27 minutes)